Matthew Sotoudeh
email me
PhD candidate at Stanford University
really, email me
Bachelor's degree from the University of California, Davis with majors
in Mathematics and Computer Science
email me
I am fortunate to have been advised at various levels of formality by
too many people to name, however the list of recent formal advisors is
short enough to fit on a webpage:
Prof. Dawson Engler
(PhD advisor),
Prof. Aditya Thakur
(BS advisor),
Prof. Clark Barrett
(PhD rotation advisor),
Dr. Jason Knight (Intel
Dr. Sara
Baghsorkhi (Intel Labs).
Beyond my classroom teaching, I have
had the opportunity to mentor Sophie Andrews (then Stanford undergraduate,
now full-time Apple) whose research on speeding up bounded model checking
was recently accepted for publication at DATE 2025.
questions? email me
Conference & Journal Papers
questions? thoughts? complaints? ideas? email me
Pathological Cases for a Class of Reachability-Based Garbage Collectors
Matthew Sotoudeh
2025 Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, & Applications Conference (OOPSLA 2025, to appear)
Efficient SAT-based Bounded Model Checking of Evolving Systems
Andrews, S.; Sotoudeh, M.; Barrett, C.
2025 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE 2025, to appear)
Sidekick: In-Network Assistance for Secure End-to-End Transport Protocols
Yuan, G.; Sotoudeh, M.; Zhang, D. K.; Welzl, M.; Mazières, D.; Winstein, K.
21st USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 2024)
Won NSDI 2024 Outstanding Paper Award
Won NSDI 2024 Community Award
SyReNN: A Tool for Analyzing Deep Neural Networks
Sotoudeh, M. (equal contribution); Tao, Z. (equal contribution); Thakur, A. V.
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT 2023)
Provable Repair of Deep Neural Networks
Sotoudeh, M. and Thakur, A. V.
42nd ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2021)
SyReNN: A Tool for Analyzing Deep Neural Networks
Sotoudeh, M. and Thakur, A. V.
27th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the
Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2021)
Analogy-Making as a Core Primitive in the Software Engineering Toolbox
Sotoudeh, M. and Thakur, A. V.
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on
New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming and
Software (SPLASH "Onward!" 2020)
Abstract Neural Networks
Sotoudeh, M. and Thakur, A. V.
Proceedings of the 27th Static Analysis Symposium
(SAS 2020)
Computing Linear Restrictions of Neural Networks
Sotoudeh, M. and Thakur, A. V.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019)
[arXiv (old)]
ISA Mapper: A Compute and Hardware Agnostic Deep Learning Compiler
Sotoudeh, M.; Venkat, A.; Anderson, M.; Georganas, E.;
Heinecke, A.; Knight, J.
Proceedings of the 16th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers
(CF 2019)
[arXiv (old)]
C3-Flow: Compute Compression Co-Design Flow for Deep Neural
Sotoudeh, M. and Baghsorkhi, S. S.
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Design Automation Conference
(DAC 2019)
[arXiv (old)]
Other Writings and Posters
Underconstrained Execution of Device Drivers from Partial Source Code
Sotoudeh, M.; Srivatsan, A.
Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) 2024 Poster Session
Stateless SFI: Faster and Safer Machine Code Validation
Yedidia, Z.; Sotoudeh, M.; and Mazieres, D.
Operating System Design and Implementation (OSDI) 2024 Poster Session
Incremental Bounded Model Checking as Program Source Changes
Andrews, S. and Sotoudeh, M.
Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD) 2023 Student Forum
System-Specific Interpreters Make Megasystems Friendlier
Matthew Sotoudeh
Eighth Workshop on Live Programming (LIVE 2022)
A Short Survey of Weak Reasoning Assistants
Matthew Sotoudeh
Third Workshop on Human Aspects of Types and Reasoning Assistants (HATRA 2022, extended abstracts)
[Extended Abstract]
Sidecar: In-Network Performance Enhancements in the Age of
Paranoid Transport Protocols
Yuan, G.; Zhang, D. K.; Sotoudeh, M.; Welzl, M.; Winstein, K.
Twenty-first ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets 2022)
Bounded Model Checking of Deep Neural Network Controllers
Sotoudeh, M. (Advised by Thakur, A. V.)
Won second place at the International Symposium on Principles Of
Programming Languages (POPL) 2020 Student Research Competition
Correcting Deep Neural Networks with Small, Generalizing
Sotoudeh, M. and Thakur, A. V.
NeurIPS 2019 Workshop on Safety and Robustness in Decision Making
Abstract Neural Networks,
COVID Papers from SAS at SPLASH 2022, Auckland, New Zealand
System-Specific Interpreters Make Megasystems Friendlier,
LIVE 2022 short talks, Auckland, New Zealand
A Survey of Weak Reasoning Assistants,
HATRA 2022, Auckland, New Zealand
Provable Repair of Deep Neural Networks,
PLDI 2021, Virtual
SyReNN: A Tool for Analyzing Deep Neural Networks,
TACAS 2021, Virtual
Understanding and Repairing Deep Neural Networks,
Waterloo ML + Logic Colloquium 2020, Virtual (with Aditya Thakur)
Abstract Neural Networks,
SAS 2020, Virtual
Analogy-Making as a Core Primitive in the Software Engineering Toolbox,
Onward! 2020, Virtual
Bounded Model Checking of Deep Neural Network Controllers,
POPL SRC 2020, New Orleans, LA
Computing Linear Restrictions of Neural Networks,
NeurIPS 2019, Vancouver, BC, Canada
ISA Mapper: A Compute and Hardware Agnostic Deep Learning Compiler,
CF 2019, Alghero, Italy
C3-Flow: Compute Compression Co-Design Flow for Deep Neural Networks,
DAC 2019, Las Vegas, NV
Correcting Deep Neural Networks with Small, Generalizing Patches,
SRDM 2019, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Honors & Awards
- Highest Honors, awarded with my B.S. in Computer Science
- Citation for Outstanding Performance, UC Davis Mathematics Department
- Honorable Mention, UC Davis Chancellor's Award for Excellence in
Undergraduate Research/Dean Keith Simonton Prize
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
- Honorable Mention, CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award
- 2nd Place, POPL 2020 Student Research Competition
- Regents Scholarship, UC Davis
- Rep. Ro Khanna Congressional Award
- Travel Awards: NeurIPS Foundation (2019), UC Davis CS Department (2020), UC Davis URC (2019)
Teaching & Service
For some of the courses I have written day-long lab activites that
introduce students to program analysis and automated reasoning in a
hands-on activity. You can find most of these in this git repo.
- (Planned) Teaching Fellow (primary instructor) for CS 161 (Design
and Analysis of Algorithms), Stanford University, Summer 2025
- (Planned) Teaching Fellow for CS 343S (Domain-Specific Language Design Studio), Stanford University, Spring 2025
- Course Assistant for CS 140e (Embedded Operating Systems), Stanford University, Winter 2025
Teaching Fellow (primary instructor) for CS 161 (Design and Analysis of Algorithms), Stanford University, Summer 2024
[Lecture Notes and Homeworks]
- Teaching Fellow for CS 343S (Domain-Specific Language Design Studio), Stanford University, Spring 2024
- Course Assistant for CS 103 (Mathematical Foundations of Computing), Stanford University, Winter 2024
- Course Assistant for CS 240LX (Advanced Operating Systems Lab), Stanford University, Spring 2023
- Course Assistant for CS 197 ("team-based introduction to Computer Science research" for undergraduates), Stanford University, Fall 2022
- Course Assistant for CS 240 (Advanced Topics in Operating Systems), Stanford University, Spring 2022
- TACAS 2022 Artifact Evaluation Committee member
- Co-chair of the UC Davis CS Tutoring Committee
If you are in the Palo Alto area with an interest in teaching and
enough free time, I would also recommend DreamCatchers as a great
opportunity to volunteer with a local middle school after-school
My permanent email address is If you are
considering sending me an email, please do so!
However, I use pretty crude filtering to remove the vast majority of
spam I receive. If you are a real human, and you are sending me
personally an email, and I have not replied to your email, please know
that I really do want to receive and read it, but you might need to
rewrite it to be less spammy and resend it before it arrives in my
If you commonly send spam to mailing lists I subscribe
to, your email address itself might be blocked. Please try sending from
a different address.
To help real humans who want to send me real messages, I publish my
filtering script here.
Please don't evade the spirit of this gesture or I'll have to stop
publishing these.
None of those accounts are entirely managed by me, so it would be
prudent to assume any communications sent to those addresses may be
viewed surreptitiously by others. You are encouraged to use my
if this concerns you.
really really, email me !
You can find a variety of projects on my
git lair and
GitHub profile, ranging
from add-ons for Google Docs to transpilers.
Please note that I try to respond to crawlers that ignore robots.txt
pretty aggressively, so if you live in a region that causes you to
share IP blocks with such bad actors (especially ByteSpider), there is
a chance your IP address is explicitly banned. In such unfortunate
cases, I am happy to unblock your IP if you send me an email.
I used to collect a list of
interesting proofs.
In 2017 I taught a one-week course on programming for middle schoolers
in the Bay Area. Most of the curriculum for that course, including
presentations, lesson outlines, projects, and retrospective comments
are available here.
This page was last updated on 2/18/2025.