Matthew Sotoudeh

email me

PhD candidate at Stanford University

really, email me

Bachelor's degree from the University of California, Davis with majors in Mathematics and Computer Science

email me

I am fortunate to have been advised at various levels of formality by too many people to name, however the list of recent formal advisors is short enough to fit on a webpage:
Prof. Dawson Engler (PhD advisor),
Prof. Aditya Thakur (BS advisor),
Prof. Clark Barrett (PhD rotation advisor),
Dr. Jason Knight (Intel AIPG),
Dr. Sara Baghsorkhi (Intel Labs).

questions? email me

Conference & Journal Papers

questions? thoughts? complaints? ideas? email me

Other Writings


Honors & Awards

Teaching & Service

For some of the courses I have written day-long lab activites that introduce students to program analysis and automated reasoning in a hands-on activity. You can find most of these in this git repo.


My permanent email address is If you are considering sending me an email, please do so!

However, I use pretty crude filtering to remove the vast majority of spam I receive. If you are a real human and I have not replied to your email, please do rewrite it to be less spammy and resend it and hopefully I'll get it the next time! If you commonly send spam to mailing lists I subscribe to, your email address itself might be blocked. Please try sending from a different address.

None of those accounts are entirely managed by me, so it would be prudent to assume any communications sent to those addresses may be viewed surreptitiously by others. You are encouraged to use my PGP Key if this concerns you.

really really, email me !


You can find a part of my calendar here, and a small wiki here.

You can find a variety of projects on my git lair and GitHub profile, ranging from add-ons for Google Docs to transpilers.

I used to collect a list of interesting proofs.

In 2017 I taught a one-week course on programming for middle schoolers in the Bay Area. Most of the curriculum for that course, including presentations, lesson outlines, projects, and retrospective comments are available here.

This page was last updated on 6/29/2024.